Ali Nondini Mouli

Ali Nondini Mouli was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh and is now a proud Bangladeshi-American. She feels fortunate to be part of the Young People’s Festival/Shishu Kishore Mela as one of the core committee members. Mouli is currently completing her Associates Degree in Liberal Arts. She became involved in this wonderful annual event to help the young Bangladeshi-American generation learn more about their culture along with the many talented and creative minds in this team. Although she spent her childhood studying in India, being the daughter of a freedom fighter strengthened her ties to Bangladesh and Bengali culture, even though she has been away from her motherland for the majority of her life. She was always inspired by her father’s love for his country and its people. Being a part of and witness to the Young People’s Festival/Shishu Kishore Mela over the past years, Mouli feels a part of her father’s love for his culture lives on in her even after her father’s passing. Every year, organizing this event and being able to meet so many young individuals with enthusiasm and commitment for their culture is simply heart warming and Mouli wants to continue this journey serving and building the love for Bangladesh stronger and spreading the same passion to the future generations.